The Law of Attraction: How to Make It Work

The law of attraction is a new-age spiritual concept that suggests that thoughts and feelings have the power to attract positive or negative experiences into a person’s life.
In essence: like attracts like. So if an individual focuses on positive thoughts and desires, they will manifest positive outcomes, while negative thoughts and emotions will attract negative experiences.
The concept emphasizes the role of intention, visualization, and belief in shaping one’s reality.
In this blog post, we will examine why and how the law of attraction works (it works), what contemporary spiritual teachers suggest should be done to maximize its potential, and the most powerful truth behind it all: The law of one.
What is the law of attraction?
Manifestation, the law of attraction, the law of resonance, the law of mirroring, thoughts become things… Whatever you choose to call it, it’s a fundamental law of the universe.
Manifestation works because there’s no other way the universe can work.
The universe responds to your thoughts, words, actions, emotions, and beliefs, and provides the perfect circumstances for you to experience them in your physical reality.
You are constantly creating your life. The only question is: Are you creating consciously or unconsciously?
That’s the only thing that separates you from a spiritual master, who can manifest outcomes at will. Spiritual masters choose every thought, word, and action consciously, harmoniously, and with complete awareness, thus quickly creating what they want.

The law of mirroring
One variation of the law of attraction is called “the law of mirroring”. As the name suggests, this refers to the idea that the external world reflects our internal state or beliefs.
In other words, the experiences and relationships we encounter in life are a reflection of our own thoughts, emotions, and subconscious programming.
This notion aligns with some aspects of the law of attraction, as it suggests that the energy and intentions we emit attract corresponding experiences or people into our lives.
What’s often not emphasized enough in my opinion is the fact, that no matter if you believe in such laws or not, it’s important that you pay deliberate attention to self-awareness, personal growth, and taking responsibility for your thoughts and actions.
By examining our beliefs, attitudes, and patterns, we can potentially shift our reality and attract more positive and fulfilling experiences.
The law of resonance
“The law of resonance” is a concept explored by Michael Bernard Beckwith among other spiritual teachers.
While it shares some similarities with the law of attraction, it emphasizes a slightly different perspective.
The law of resonance suggests that everything in the universe, including thoughts, emotions, and energy, vibrates at a specific frequency. According to this concept, like frequencies resonate and attract one another.
In other words, the energy you emit through your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs will resonate with corresponding energies in the external world, drawing similar experiences and opportunities into your life.
You know, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration”. This is a famous quote by Nikola Tesla and it captures the essence of the law of resonance perfectly.
In essence, the law of resonance highlights the importance of aligning one’s internal state with the desired outcomes.
If you want to attract positive experiences, you need to cultivate positive thoughts, emotions, and intentions, which will then resonate with positive frequencies in the universe.
By raising your vibrational frequency through practices like meditation, gratitude, and self-reflection, you aim to attract higher vibrational experiences into your life.

How does the law of attraction work?
You don’t need to believe in supernatural powers or a God to understand how the law of attraction works. There are two ways to describe it, one more down to earth than the other.
1. Energy forms matter
If you believe that everything is energy, then you will understand that your thoughts are also energy. If you concentrate your thoughts on a certain thing hard enough, long enough, eventually the energy of your thoughts begins to “pile up”. The vibration of your thoughts thickens, slowing down, thus vibrating on such a frequency that forms particles and takes on a physical form.
In essence, this is what quantum physics describes about the workings of our universe. This is happening on the fundamental level of our physical world.
Deep inside the matter that forms everything around us, there are very tiny particles, that behave more like waves or vibrations. When observed, these waves “collapse”, taking the form of a particle. Of course, this is cutting some corners and simplifying things, but that’s basically how our universe is formed of “energy” that clumps into particles of “matter”.
This is a spiritual explanation that hits pretty close to the mark set by quantum physics as well.
2. Subconscious guidance
The most relatable part of the consciousness for us is of course the conscious mind or ego, from which we perceive most of our everyday life, but did you know that you make tens of thousands of decisions each day subconsciously? Possibly up to or even over 90 % of what you decide each day happens without your conscious participation.
For example (fortunately for us) most of our bodily functions are controlled by our subconscious mind. Breathing is a good example. You don’t have to consciously keep breathing all the time. If you did, sleeping might be somewhat of an issue.
Think about the law of attraction this way: you focus on a goal, visualizing your goal every day. This way, you are consciously giving your subconscious mind instructions. You are telling your subconscious mind “This is what I want”. In fact, you are doing this every moment even if you are not aware of it. If you are not consciously instructing your subconscious mind, it is your beliefs about yourself and your life that determine the instructions.
Your subconscious mind then makes decisions for you throughout each day, guiding you toward your goal without you having to be consciously aware of the small choices you make each day.
One day you will have reached your goal and you might wonder “How did I get here?”. This is how you “attract” what you want.
What if it doesn’t work?
It works, for it is the only way the universe can work.
You can’t stop the creation process even if you wanted to. You do not need to practice manifestation techniques or know about the law of attraction to create your life: You are already creating your life. That’s by default.
You can’t NOT create.
Every thought you think is creative.
Every word you say is creative.
Every action you take is creative.
These are the tools of creation. You create all the time. The only question is: Are you creating consciously or unconsciously?
But I get the question. “It doesn’t work” means, that you are unable to see the results that you are after. That doesn’t mean that the law of attraction doesn’t work.
If you are not seeing the results you want, that means you are out of alignment.
you may experience “blocks” in manifesting your desired outcome. You may feel like you are not getting what you want, or the gap between your thoughts and the manifestation of your thoughts may seem unreasonably long.
In reality, there are no blocks; Only misalignments of what you want consciously vs. what you want unconsciously.
Any “blocks” are really misalignments
Here’s a classic example: You go to a restaurant and order a pizza. The waiter takes your order and the chef starts to prepare your food.
Now, what happens if you change your mind? You call the waiter and tell him that you’ve changed your mind and you want soup instead of a pizza.
Your order gets canceled, and the chef starts making soup. Your order is being prepared, it is already on the way, but then you change your mind again. This time, you want some fish with a side of fries. And so on.
I’m sure you understand how ridiculous it would be to constantly keep changing your order. In a restaurant, you wouldn’t probably do this knowingly, and the same holds true with your manifestation efforts (although it’s ok to change your mind).
But the difference between an order in a restaurant and an order from the universe is, that the universe listens to your unconscious thoughts and wishes as well.
You may “place your order” by visualizing your desired outcome, thinking thoughts about it, and feeling how you think you would feel if you already had what you want. But your actions, words, thoughts, and beliefs on different levels of being may be “ordering something different”.
A spiritual master would not change her mind mid-order. Even if asked “Are you sure this is what you want”, they would choose the same thing every time with their thoughts, words, actions, and feelings. That’s how some people are able to attract what they want very quickly.
Levels of Creation
Every day, you make thousands of decisions, and 80% to 90% of those decisions are made unconsciously. Unconscious choices, in turn, are made out of belief and habit.
There are also levels within your conscious decision-making. You make decisions and choices from at least three levels:
Logic, intuition, and emotion.
And on the emotional level, the scientific estimates are that there are somewhere between 5 to 34’000 different levels (emotional states), such as anger, envy, fear, and love.
Example: Consciously you may want to win the lottery, but your emotions tell you that it’s better for you if you work for the money. Logically you deduce that your chances of winning the lottery are next to none, and habitually you don’t even fill out a lottery ticket every week.
So you see how easy it can be to get your emotions, thoughts, actions, etc. misaligned.
And you get the idea of how a misalignment could produce very mixed results: If your choices conflict, and your body, mind, and spirit are not acting as one, the process of creation works on all levels, creating circumstances that are a little bit of everything.
But, If you can align on all levels towards your goal (be in harmony), and always make the same unified choices, miracles can happen.
This is how spiritual masters create. They harmoniously choose the same thing on all levels, with gratitude and unwavering faith that their wish will be granted.
Higher purpose
But what if it still doesn’t work? If you experience the lack of a specific outcome no matter how hard you try, besides the aforementioned misalignments, the cause is usually one of the two:
1. You haven’t given it enough time
2. On a higher spiritual level, you have chosen something different.
The characteristics of our material existence are that it’s dense and slow. It will take time for energy to form matter and thoughts to become things. Give it some time. The process can sometimes take years. I know it’s not what most people want to hear, and it doesn’t have to be that way.
The better you can align your levels of creation, the faster you can manifest.
But does it really matter if you become a millionaire five years from now, or if you win the lottery today? Compared to not becoming a millionaire at all, I’d say the difference is negligible.
The second reason why you can’t manifest what you want is that on a higher level, you have chosen something different.
This means that the part of you that’s really in charge, your soul, has a certain intention for your life. Maybe you aren’t meant to be a lottery winner. Maybe that would be an easy way out and not benefit your spiritual growth, the experiences your soul wishes to have during your lifetime, in any way.
Yet, worry not, for you have always free will. It may be, that you will not win the lottery, because that will not benefit your spiritual growth.
But you can still choose to become a millionaire, only the path to making millions will be different. Speaking of free will, that is a fundamental law of the universe, and you can always count on being able to choose freely what you want. We will discuss this more in just a moment.

How to use the law of attraction?
Different spiritual teachers may have varying perspectives on manifestation processes, but here are some common steps that are often emphasized:
- Clarify your goal: Get clear on what you truly want to manifest in your life. This involves identifying your goals, aspirations and desires with clarity and specificity. The more specific and focused you are, the easier it becomes to align your energy and intention toward that desired outcome.
- Set clear intentions: Once you have identified your desires, set clear and positive intentions around them. State your intentions as if they have already been achieved, using affirmative language. This helps to program your subconscious mind and align your thoughts and beliefs with the desired outcome.
- Visualize and feel: Engage in regular visualization exercises where you imagine yourself already experiencing the desired outcome. Visualize the details, sensations, and emotions associated with achieving your goals. This practice helps to amplify the energetic and emotional alignment with your desires.
- Cultivate positive beliefs and mindset: Pay attention to your thoughts and beliefs about yourself and your desires. Replace any negative or limiting beliefs with positive and empowering ones. Cultivate a positive mindset and develop a deep sense of belief and trust in your ability to manifest your desires.
- Take inspired action: Manifestation is not solely about wishful thinking; it also requires taking inspired action towards your goals. Pay attention to opportunities, signs, and synchronicities that come your way and act upon them. Taking consistent and purposeful action aligned with your intentions helps to manifest desired outcomes.
- Practice gratitude: Cultivate an attitude of gratitude for what you already have in your life, as well as for the manifestation of your desired outcome. Expressing gratitude helps to raise your vibrational frequency and attract more positive experiences.
- Release attachment and surrender: Let go of any attachment to the outcome and surrender to the divine or the universe. Trust in the process of manifestation and have faith that what is meant for you will come to fruition. Release any doubts, fears, or resistance that may hinder the manifestation process.
It’s important to remember that these steps are general guidelines, and individual experiences may vary. The manifestation process is highly personal, and what works for one person may not work in the same way for another.
It’s advisable to explore and experiment with these practices while staying open-minded and adapting them to suit your own beliefs, values, and experiences.
Visualization meditation
The goal of this meditation is to instruct your subconscious mind through the power of your imagination, so you will indeed have to stretch your imagination a bit.
Don’t worry about the specifics of the practice, like how big your “mental screen” should be or if are you picturing it vividly enough. Your intention to manifest things is plenty of fuel for your subconscious mind to get things moving, provided there’s even the tiniest amount of belief as a foundation.
- Sit with your back straight but relaxed. Sit where you feel comfortable: a chair, a sofa, on a pillow on the floor, it does not matter as long as you are comfortable. You do not need to cross your legs, just sit comfortably – the most important thing is that your back is straight.
- Push your chest out slightly and place your hands on your legs with palms facing up.
- Close your eyes. Breathe deeply in and out three times: Take a deep breath in through your nose, hold for a few seconds, and exhale slowly through your mouth.
- Picture a screen about 6ft (2 meters) in front of you. It could be a TV screen or a movie screen. Make the screen as big as you want and preferably white in color.
- On this screen, picture yourself in your current situation. Make this picture black & white and make it not fill the whole screen. This will quite literally “set the scene”.
- Now imagine the brightest white light filling the scene, wiping the current picture off.
- Picture a new scene emerging from the light. This is your goal: See yourself on the screen in a situation where you already have what you are after.
- Fill the whole screen with this image. Use all of your senses. What do you hear? what do you see? What can you touch, smell, and even taste?
- Feel the feeling you would have if you had all that you are now imagining: Happiness, love, excitement, etc.
- Stay with the scene and feel the feeling as long as you want. There is no minimum or maximum time. But just 5 minutes is often enough.
- When you are done and start to come out of meditation, slowly count down from ten to one. As you count down, shift your feeling to gratitude. Be grateful as if what you just visualized has already happened to you. Think in terms like “thank you for letting me have this object/experience/feeling”
- Release your expectation about the outcome. State that you prefer this outcome, but allow for something even better to happen.
- You are done. Go about your day normally.
You can make the meditation more effective by doing it first thing in the morning or very late at night just before falling asleep. These are times when your mind is naturally in a more receptive state. It’s the same state that is achieved through hypnosis, and a very powerful state for manifesting.

“The universe, its mystery unbroken, is one. Always begin and end in the Creator, not in technique.”
– The Law of One (the Ra material)
What’s even more powerful - The Law of One
Here’s the thing about the law of attraction; It’s a technique that certainly works. I’ve tried and tested it myself many times, often being blown away by the results.
But the question is: what do you need it for? As an interpretation of how the universe works, it’s a fairly simplified model. More accurately, it’s not a model at all, but a technique that aims to somehow manipulate the inner workings of the universe.
This is a problem since you cannot manipulate the universe or reality for that matter. You cannot so much as lift a finger without the universe “allowing” you to do it. Therefore, you are not so much manipulating the universe or bending it to your will, as you are working with it and aligning yourself to speed up the outcomes.
I’ll repeat what I stated earlier: You are creative. That’s in your nature. You can’t stop the creation process even if you wanted to. You do not need to practice manifestation techniques or know about the law of attraction to create your life: You are already creating your life. That’s by default.
You can’t NOT create. Every thought you think is creative. Every word you say is creative. Every action you take is creative. These are the tools of creation. You create all the time. The only question is: Are you creating consciously or unconsciously? That’s all there is to it.
It's about choosing - not attracting
The secret of the universe is, that everything is made of the same “stuff”. It’s all one and the same, only appearing to be different. Everything is one and you are everything there is: What would you attract? Yourself?
Hold on, that’s not actually a bad analogy. “Manifesting” in this way is like trying to attract your left hand with your right hand. You can think about it all you want and feel the connection all you want, but the act of joining your hands together is merely an act of choosing to do so.
It’s not that much different on a spiritual level. You already have everything you ever wanted. You can not attract what you already have, but you can choose to bring it forth.
Just like you can extend your arms and bring them in front of your body, you can choose to bring any aspect of yourself (any outcome) in front of you for you to see.
So manifesting what you desire is not really about attracting or mirroring or thinking energy into forming matter. Creating your life is a matter of choosing what you wish to experience.
How to use “the law of choosing”
You don’t even have to uncover the mysteries of the universe to understand the law of “choosing”. Everything you want already exists. The money you wish to attract already exists in some form. Someone has it, it’s just a matter of you making your way to that money.
The love of your life that you wish to attract was born tens of years ago and is living somewhere on this planet. It’s just a matter of your paths crossing and you making the right moves.
Your dream job is already available in a company. It’s just a matter of you finding that job and applying for that position.
It’s all just a matter of choosing.
And how do you choose?
With your tools of creation: Thoughts, words, and actions.
You getting the money you are after is dependent on what you think, say, and do. Meeting that special someone depends on going to the right place, thinking the right thoughts, and especially saying the right words. The same applies to you getting your dream job.
Creation starts with your thoughts
This holds true on a metaphysical level as well. How do you think some of the most successful companies on this planet were born? Apple, Microsoft, Facebook… All were thought into being. They started as a thought, followed by words and actions.
The potential for creating anything is infinite. You just have to stop and listen to your intuition; Your innermost thoughts and feelings. Then, you must speak and act based on these thoughts. That’s the creation process in a nutshell.
You don’t have to be a spiritual master who can form matter by concentrating his thoughts. You already possess the power to create. That power is imagination, followed by thoughts, words, and actions that align with your imagined result.
Circling back to the start once again: The universe, its mystery broken, is one. Concentrate on the fact that you are the creator. The technique is ultimately irrelevant. You have the power to create. Everything already exists. Choose consciously the aspect of your infinite self that you wish to experience next.
Think about it deeply.
Choose with all facets of your being
But if everything already exists, and you are everything, how can you choose which facet of yourself to manifest into reality?
Choosing starts with the understanding that you already have that which you are after. You don’t have to want it, need it, try to attract it, or go and get it. It is enough to acknowledge that you already have it, and therefore be grateful for it.
Essentially, think, speak, and act as if you already had that which you desire. Act “as if” and be grateful. This is powerful fuel for creation. This is choosing. The more you can believe it, the faster the results manifest.
Use the ideas and techniques described in this article. Take these ideas to heart. Choose with intention. Then, surrender to the flow of life and trust that everything is working for your highest good.
The law of attraction is a new-age spiritual concept that suggests that thoughts and feelings have the power to attract experiences into a person’s life.
Manifestation works because there’s no other way the universe can work.
The universe responds to your thoughts, words, actions, emotions, and beliefs, and provides the perfect circumstances for you to experience them in your physical reality.
You are creative. That’s in your nature. You can’t stop the creation process even if you wanted to. You do not need to practice manifestation techniques or know about the law of attraction to create your life: You are already creating your life. That’s by default.
The universe, its mystery broken, is one. Concentrate on the fact that you are the creator. The technique is ultimately irrelevant. You have the power to create.
Every thought is creative. Every word is creative. Every action is creative. These are the tools of creation. You create all the time. The only question is: Are you creating consciously or unconsciously?
Think, speak, and act as if you already had that which you desire. Act as if and be grateful. This is powerful fuel for creation. This is choosing. The more you can believe it, the faster the results manifest.
The entire contents of this blog are based upon the opinions of the author. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. The information in this blog is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Please consult your health care professional before trying any of the products or methods based on this content. I cannot guarantee that you will be free of stress, anxiety or depression, or that you will be happy. I simply want to share with you what I have discovered during my twenty years of seeking happiness and what has worked for me may not work for you.