Letters on a wooden table that spell happy new year
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The Best New Year’s Resolution: Learn to Be Happy for a Fulfilling Life

A piece of paper that has the text "New Year Resolutions" written on it
The best New Year’s resolution is more than the traditional “get in shape” or “fix my diet”.
It’s an opportunity to revolutionize your life by shifting focus from conventional advice to transforming subconscious beliefs.
Amid the cacophony of resolutions tailored to meet societal expectations, there exists a profound and transformative choice — one that transcends the bounds of specific objectives and speaks to the very essence of a fulfilling life.
What if, instead of fixating on the external markers of success, we chose the best New Year’s resolution that serves as the cornerstone for all our endeavors?

The best New Year’s resolution is to learn the art of happiness.

Unlike typical resolutions, which are often temporary and fleeting, the commitment to happiness is like planting a seed that blooming into a myriad of benefits across all facets of life.

In the upcoming year, let us embark on a journey that promises not just achievement but also lasting contentment.

Happiness is not just an end goal but also the unparalleled starting point for a fulfilling and healthy life.

the best new year's resolution

The Best New Year's Resolution: Happiness

The conventional way of making New Year resolutions usually fails because it relies on willpower alone.

To make New Year’s resolutions that last, shift your focus from conventional advice to transforming subconscious beliefs.

Change your beliefs, change your life. When you learn to shift your focus subconsciously from lack to happiness, you can fulfill all the goals you have set for yourself throughout your entire life.

This revolutionary approach goes beyond small steps, leading to a profound journey toward enduring happiness.

Fireworks above a city skyline at night

How to Start with Happiness?

Happiness is a natural state of being within us, not an elusive dream.

The whole website here at happyondemand.com is dedicated to resources that will help you find your innate happiness.

Explore the blog and resources and find the methods that work for you.

You could also get a life coach to help you uncover your innate happiness.

However, there are three keys to finding lasting happiness, that will be covered here.

These are the 3 keys to unlocking your innate happiness:

 1. Understand what’s making you unhappy. In order to achieve happiness, it is crucial to understand that it is a natural state that resides within oneself. Therefore, the key to discovering happiness lies in removing the factors that cause unhappiness, such as poor mental health, searching for happiness in external sources (such as financial or materialistic gains), and feeling that nothing is ever sufficient.

 2. Change your perspective on happiness. Happiness is an internal state that should be the default. Instead of searching externally, uncover the happiness within.

 3. Choose happiness consciously. It is possible to cultivate the ability to be mindful of your thoughts, emotions, and actions in each moment, and intentionally transform them into a positive state if they are unpleasant. This skill can be attained by anyone through consistent practice.

Hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis offer powerful tools to assist on this journey. Although not a magical solution, the methods mentioned can significantly contribute to your pursuit of well-being by addressing deep-seated beliefs, thought patterns, and behaviors. 

These practices offer unique advantages such as rapid transformation, long-lasting effects, efficiency, and personalization. They help you identify the sources of your unhappiness, explore your subconscious, and eliminate negative beliefs.

By consistently applying these tools, you can empower yourself to choose happiness deliberately, regardless of external circumstances.

You can find more information on these tools and techniques in the blog posts below.

Read More

We often mistakenly believe that material possessions can buy happiness. However, true happiness depends on how we think, what we say, and how we react. Learn how to make yourself happy in the following blog post:

How Do I Make Myself Happy? 3 Keys to Lasting Happiness

There are many methods to unlock happiness that are not about grand gestures or dramatic changes. They’re about incorporating small, manageable practices that can have a significant impact on your overall well-being. Happiness is within your reach, and by the end of this post, you’ll have a toolkit of practical strategies to help you unlock it:

3 Simple Ways to Find Happiness

Fireworks on the night sky

What can you achieve when you learn to be happy?

As the skill of happiness becomes an integral part of your subconscious, its transformative influence extends into the realms of physical, mental, spiritual well-being, and even financial prosperity.

The benefits of cultivating habitual happiness are profound and far-reaching:

1. Enhanced Physical Health:

Happy individuals often experience a boost in immune function, reduced inflammation, and a lower risk of chronic diseases. The positive energy derived from happiness contributes to overall vitality, promoting a robust physical well-being.

2. Mental Resilience:

Habitual happiness serves as a shield against the storms of stress, anxiety, and depression. It fosters mental resilience, allowing individuals to navigate challenges with a positive outlook, adaptive coping mechanisms, and an unwavering sense of inner strength.

3. Improved Relationships:

The ripple effect of happiness extends to interpersonal connections. Happy individuals tend to cultivate fulfilling relationships marked by empathy, compassion, and genuine connection. The joy radiating from within enhances the quality of social interactions.

4. Increased Productivity:

A habitual state of happiness positively influences cognitive functions. Clearer thinking heightened creativity, and improved problem-solving abilities are among the cognitive benefits that contribute to increased productivity in both personal and professional pursuits.

5. Emotional Well-being:

Embracing happiness as a skill fosters a stable and positive emotional landscape. Individuals experience greater emotional balance, finding joy in everyday moments and navigating life’s challenges with a sense of equanimity.

6. Higher Income:

Studies suggest a correlation between happiness and financial success. A positive mindset and a contented outlook can enhance one’s professional performance, leading to career advancements, opportunities, and ultimately, higher income.

7. Spiritual Growth:

For some, happiness transcends the material realm, becoming a conduit for spiritual growth. A content and joyous state of mind can open avenues for self-discovery, mindfulness, and a deeper connection with one’s sense of purpose or spirituality.

In essence, the habitual practice of happiness is not merely a personal indulgence; it is a holistic investment in one’s overall well-being, encompassing physical health, mental fortitude, spiritual fulfillment, and financial prosperity.

As happiness becomes an ingrained aspect of our existence, the benefits reverberate through every facet of life, creating a harmonious tapestry of prosperity and well-being.

Make the Best New Year's resolution: Learn Happiness in just 7 days!

Try the ‘7 Days to Lasting Happiness’ email course for free!

Throughout this course, you’ll delve into the essence of happiness, holistic well-being, the power of positive thinking, finding meaning and purpose, personal freedom, and even the impact of money on happiness. 

In just 10 to 15 minutes a day, you’ll gather knowledge, gain insights, and engage in practical activities that will set you on a path to crafting a new, joyful life filled with purpose, positivity, and fulfillment.

Sign Up for Free by filling out the form below. 

Discover the Secrets of Lasting Happiness in this Free 7-Day Email Course

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    Conclusion: The Best New Year’s Resolution

    When you embark on the transformative journey of learning to be happy, you unlock a powerful catalyst that propels you toward the realization of your life goals with remarkable ease.

    Happiness is not a passive state but an active force that aligns your intentions, actions, and aspirations.

    As you cultivate a joyous mindset, you inherently foster qualities such as resilience, creativity, and a positive outlook. 

    These attributes lay the groundwork for success in every area of your life.

    When happiness becomes the guiding force, your goals cease to be arduous tasks and transform into natural waypoints on a fulfilling journey.

    The universe seems to conspire to support your endeavors when fueled by the radiant energy of happiness, making the pursuit of your life goals not only achievable but a harmonious and joy-infused expedition.


    The entire contents of this blog are based upon the opinions of the author. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only.  The information in this blog is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Please consult your health care professional before trying any of the products or methods based on this content. I cannot guarantee that you will be free of stress, anxiety or depression, or that you will be happy. I simply want to share with you what I have discovered during my twenty years of seeking happiness and what has worked for me may not work for you.

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