What Is Happiness and How to Become Happier?
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What Is Happiness and How to Become Happier?

What is happiness? Well, the answer might surprise you. Happiness is more than just a passing emotion; it is your default state of being. Yes, you are supposed to be happy by default. You don’t need to get anything or do anything to be happy. Happiness is our natural state of being, but it’s buried…

Change Your Perception – Change Your Life
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Change Your Perception – Change Your Life

Your perception, i.e. your point of view, determines how you experience life. Perception, often described as the way we interpret and make sense of the world, plays a crucial role in shaping our reality. It acts as a mental filter through which we perceive and understand the events, people, and situations we encounter on a…

3 Valuable Insights Shared by the World’s Best Coaches
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3 Valuable Insights Shared by the World’s Best Coaches

I’ve recently had the opportunity to work on interviews and articles from top coaches across diverse fields. These coaches are personal and professional development masters, each with their own unique approach to helping their clients reach their goals. Despite their different backgrounds, specialties, and approaches, I was surprised to find out that they consistently discussed…

How to Self-Heal: This Is What Your Mind and Body Can Do
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How to Self-Heal: This Is What Your Mind and Body Can Do

In today’s fast-paced world, people are constantly under pressure to meet deadlines, notifications, and the drive to excel. This has resulted in stress, anxiety, and depression becoming increasingly common. The everyday demands of work and school, coupled with the relentless pursuit of success and validation, can leave people feeling overwhelmed and uncertain. In this environment,…

Money And Mental Health: Can Money Buy Happiness And Cure Depression?
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Money And Mental Health: Can Money Buy Happiness And Cure Depression?

Can money buy happiness? This has been a widely debated topic, and for good reason. Some people argue that money can buy anything you want in life, including happiness, while others insist that happiness comes from intrinsic values such as a sense of purpose, personal growth, and meaningful relationships. The answer, however, is not as…

What Is Personal Growth: Definition, Importance, And Strategies
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What Is Personal Growth: Definition, Importance, And Strategies

Unlike mere strategies, personal growth revolves around conscious awareness of the transformative process that is life itself. Whether consciously or unconsciously, growth is inevitable, but personal growth entails guiding this journey with intentionality. Life is a journey of growth and evolution, making personal development an intrinsic aspect of existence. Personal growth is a unique and…

Happiness Is Within You: The Truth About Finding Joy
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Happiness Is Within You: The Truth About Finding Joy

Happiness isn’t something that you need to get; Happiness is within you already. Right from the time we’re born, there’s this natural happiness that comes with us.  I don’t even need to tell you what happiness is. It’s a subjective feeling inherent to each one of us; We just know it when we feel it….

The Best New Year’s Resolution: Learn to Be Happy for a Fulfilling Life
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The Best New Year’s Resolution: Learn to Be Happy for a Fulfilling Life

The best New Year’s resolution is more than the traditional “get in shape” or “fix my diet”. It’s an opportunity to revolutionize your life by shifting focus from conventional advice to transforming subconscious beliefs.  Amid the cacophony of resolutions tailored to meet societal expectations, there exists a profound and transformative choice — one that transcends the…

Transforming Your Daily Life: How to Live Spirituality in Practice
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Transforming Your Daily Life: How to Live Spirituality in Practice

All of life is spiritual. Therefore, life itself is spirituality in practice. Instead of trying to figure out the best spiritual practices and concepts, focus on the idea of making your entire life a continuous spiritual practice. It’s not the conventional way of thinking about spirituality, but it is a far more beneficial and fulfilling…

Mind-Body Connection: The Powerful Unity Of Well-Being
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Mind-Body Connection: The Powerful Unity Of Well-Being

The mind-body connection refers to the interrelationship between the mind (encompassing thoughts, emotions, and consciousness) and the physical body (including physiological and biochemical processes).  At the heart of this complex connection lies the notion, that our minds and bodies are not separate systems, but instead separate facets of a tangled whole. The mind-body connection means,…