Happiness is within you, symbolized by a silhouette of a person meditating, while a light radiates from the heart center
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Happiness Is Within You: The Truth About Finding Joy

A serene image of a person doing yoga on a beach, emphasizing the idea that true happiness is within, radiating peace and contentment

Happiness isn’t something that you need to get; Happiness is within you already. Right from the time we’re born, there’s this natural happiness that comes with us. 

I don’t even need to tell you what happiness is. It’s a subjective feeling inherent to each one of us; We just know it when we feel it.

So the journey to happiness is really a journey within.

And the best part is that finding joy within will lead to external success as well.

It’s a win-win: You will be happy and get everything you ever wanted in life.

Yet, the secret lies in reversing this formula: We don’t need to get things to be happy. Instead, we need to be happy to get the things we want.

Why is that? Because we operate most of the time based on our unconscious beliefs and habits. These unconscious patterns dictate how we interact with others and the outside world.

Key Takeaways from this Article

  • Happiness Is Within You: Discover the truth that happiness isn’t something you need to find—it’s already within you. From the moment you’re born, there’s a natural happiness that accompanies you. No need for explanations; you just feel it.
  • Finding Joy Within – The Journey of Self-Discovery: Finding joy within yourself is the most important journey that you can undertake. Explore meditation and mindfulness practices to understand the habits and patterns shaping your actions. It’s about uncovering the happiness that’s always been part of who you are.
  • Find Happiness Within Yourself  – The Secret to External Success: The journey to happiness is a journey within. Find joy within, and external success follows. It’s a win-win—happiness leads to everything you desire. Discover the secret: you don’t need to get things to be happy; you need to be happy to get the things you want.
  • Finding Happiness by Changing Your Beliefs: The secret to finding happiness lies in understanding and rewriting your internal script. Uncover the natural joy inside you, shaping the base for all experiences. In a world where happiness is often dictated externally, realize that real joy comes from within, creating a strong and quiet force even amid life’s chaos.
A person embracing their own reflection in a mirror with a genuine smile, depicting the feeling when you find happiness within yourself
Photo by Caroline Veronez on Unsplash

Finding happiness within: The Inside Story of Joy

Deep down inside us, there’s this happiness that’s always been there. It’s part of who we are.

This happy feeling doesn’t depend on what’s happening around us; it’s always there, forming the base for everything else in our lives.

While everyone might feel happiness in their own way, the core of it is the same. It’s that warm feeling when we smile, the good feeling when we laugh, and the calmness in a quiet moment.

Happiness is within you already: Your natural joy is the starting point for all your experiences, relationships, and how you see things.

Feeling Happy: Something We Just Get

Trying to explain what happiness is can be like trying to explain the taste of something sweet to someone who’s never had sugar.

It’s a feeling we understand without needing words. We don’t need someone to tell us what happiness is; we feel it in our hearts, see it in our eyes, and sense it in how we move.

As we go through life, the world around us might try to tell us what happiness should look like or how we should measure it.

But real joy comes from inside us, not from what’s going on outside. It’s a strong and quiet force that stays the same, even when everything else gets a bit crazy.

Finding joy within: Getting Back to Our Happy Self

To be truly happy, we need to go back to our own happiness.

Life can sometimes cover up this happy feeling, but it can’t make it go away.

By discovering more about ourselves and working on the inside, we can uncover that happiness is within us already, and just let it shine again.

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    A person trekking on a mountain path, symbolizing the journey of finding joy within oneself, surrounded by beauty and positivity.

    How to Find joy within: Uncovering Subconscious Beliefs and Habits

    Our minds are like busy workers that do a lot without us even realizing it.

    Most of the things we think, say, and do happen automatically. They are based on habits we’ve picked up along the way. 

    The beliefs we have about ourselves and the way we talk to ourselves unconsciously guide what we think and say to others, and that shapes how we treat them.

    They, in turn, treat us the way we treat them. Therefore, what you give is what you get; Your internal beliefs and habits reflect back to you.

    How Our Beliefs Affect Everything

    What we believe about ourselves has a big impact on everything else.

    The way we talk to ourselves and the feelings we have about who we are seep into what we think and say to others.

    It’s like a chain reaction—how we treat ourselves shows up in how we treat those around us.

    The Power of Our Hidden Thoughts

    A big part of what’s going on in our minds is like a hidden force. Our thoughts, the words we use, and the things we do often happen without us noticing. 

    We are only aware of a handful of thoughts at any given time. The rest of our thinking happens unconsciously.

    We breathe, blink, and move our bodies every second without us being aware of it (which is a good thing), but we also react to what’s happening around us mostly unconsciously.

    These silent influences shape how we see ourselves, and that affects how we interact with others.

    Our minds have picked up beliefs and habits that have kept us safe and alive so far, so the mind is very keen on repeating those thoughts, words, and actions to guarantee our safety in the future as well.

    Seeing the Patterns: Our Beliefs, Self-Talk, and Actions

    Our minds have patterns, like invisible scripts playing in the background.

    The beliefs we hold about ourselves influence the way we talk to ourselves. This self-talk, whether it’s positive or negative, becomes the script for how we act with others.

    The feelings we have inside also show in our words and actions toward others.

    And remember: Happiness is within you and is also governed by these unconscious beliefs and habits. If you can believe that you are happy, you can be happy.

    How We Treat Ourselves Shows in How We Treat Others

    Think of our minds as mirrors showing what we believe inside.

    How we treat ourselves sets the tone for how we treat others. If we talk to ourselves with positivity and encouragement, it spills over into nice interactions with those around us.

    On the flip side, negative thoughts about ourselves can cast shadows on how we act with others.

    Creating a Positive Story: Changing Our Automatic Thoughts

    The good news is that now that you are aware of this, you can consciously change your unconscious patterns.

    Understanding the link between what we think and how we act is a big first step.

    By noticing the habits and beliefs that influence us without us realizing it, we can change how we think on the inside.

    Positive thoughts about ourselves and kind self-talk become tools to create a more uplifting and happy way of dealing with the world.

    Finding happiness within you means that you can then reflect this happiness outside of you – and back to you.

    A collage flower leaves in the shape of a heart, representing the diverse avenues one can explore on the path to finding happiness

    Transforming Your Life: Find happiness within yourself to Make Outer Magic Happen

    Our minds are like quiet architects shaping the world around us.

    What we think, say, and do is deeply rooted in our unconscious habits and beliefs. 

    By cultivating positive beliefs about ourselves and nurturing encouraging self-talk, we pave the way for a more compassionate and joyful way of interacting with both ourselves and others. 

    It’s a journey of self-discovery and intentional living, bridging the gap between our inner and outer worlds for a more harmonious existence.

    Finding Joy Within

    Finding happiness within yourself is like unlocking a special magic.

    But the journey doesn’t stop there—it can change how your life looks on the outside.

    It all begins with simple practices like meditation and paying attention to your thoughts. These help you understand the habits and patterns that quietly guide your actions.

    Start by spending a few quiet moments with yourself through meditation and mindfulness. 

    It’s like exploring the hidden corners of your mind.

    By paying attention to your thoughts and feelings, you can see the habits that have been running the show without you even knowing.

    As you become aware of these habits, you’ve taken the first big step.

    Now you can consciously decide to make changes. It’s like deciding to paint a new picture of your life.

    Read More

    How to Meditate for Happiness (in 15 Minutes or Less)

    Meditation is very easy and does not require any experience or courses to start. In this article, you will learn meditation, why you should try it, and how to meditate for happiness with one easy 15-minute exercise.

    Be Happy Now: 5 Powerful Mindfulness Practices for Happiness

    Mindfulness is a simple yet profound practice that involves being fully present and aware in the current moment without judgment. It’s about accepting the present with an open heart and a curious mind.

    Focus on the Positive: 8 Effective Methods for Turning Negative Thoughts into Positive

    Focusing on the positive is not about what thoughts or feelings we might have, but about how we choose to frame those thoughts and feelings. Having a positive mindset will allow you to see the positive side of things and face many situations in a positive and productive way.

    Find happiness within yourself: Tools for Change

    Now, let’s talk about some cool tools you can use. 

    Ever heard of visualization? It’s like daydreaming, but on purpose.

    You can imagine good things happening, and this can actually change your real-life experiences.

    Another powerful tool is hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis. 

    In these relaxed states, you can go deep into your mind and change the old stories.

    It’s like being your own editor, fixing the parts of your story that don’t make you happy.

    My Recommendation: Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy (RTT)

    Marisa Peer, a renowned British therapist and author, has made substantial contributions to the realms of therapy and self-help.

    She is the creator of “Rapid Transformational Therapy” (RTT), a therapeutic methodology crafted to assist individuals in overcoming various emotional and psychological challenges.

    Having personally undergone two of Marisa’s hypnotherapy courses, I witnessed remarkable results.

    I wholeheartedly endorse anything by Marisa Peer—rest assured, it is bound to contribute significantly to your journey toward a happier life.

    Happiness is within you – And you can effortlessly uncover it with RTT. See for yourself!

    Learn more about RTT and Marisa Peer on her website

    Happiness is within: Your Inner Power, Your Happy Life

    By using these simple tools, you’re not just feeling good on the inside. You’re changing how your life looks on the outside. 

    It’s like being the director of your own movie. You’re not just watching happiness; you’re living it in every part of your life.

    So, the journey is about finding happiness within yourself and then letting it shine in your daily life.

    With these easy tools, you can make happiness a real part of your story. It’s like having your own magic wand to create a life full of joy and happiness.

    Conclusion: How Being Happy Inside Leads to Joy Outside

    Happiness is like a song we create inside ourselves, and when we feel good on the inside, it can make everything around us better.

    Understanding who we are and trying to be better are tools we can use to make our outside world nicer.

    Our minds are like architects quietly planning how we act and speak. The things we do and say are based on habits and beliefs we might not notice.

    By thinking positive things about ourselves and talking to ourselves in a kind way, we make a path for a happier way of dealing with ourselves and others.

    It’s like a journey of getting to know ourselves and choosing to live in a way that makes our inside and outside worlds fit together for a more peaceful life.

    As we go through life, let’s remember the happiness inside us. Even when things are hard, our inner happiness is always there.

    In life’s big picture, our inner happiness is like a simple and nice tune that’s special to each of us. Let’s appreciate it, respect it, and dance to our own happy beat, making a perfect mix of our inside and outside worlds.

    Because, in the end, happiness isn’t just a goal; it’s the wonderful music that keeps us company on our life journey.

    Discover the Secrets of Lasting Happiness in this Free 7-Day Email Course

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      The entire contents of this blog are based upon the opinions of the author. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only.  The information in this blog is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Please consult your health care professional before trying any of the products or methods based on this content. I cannot guarantee that you will be free of stress, anxiety or depression, or that you will be happy. I simply want to share with you what I have discovered during my twenty years of seeking happiness and what has worked for me may not work for you.

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