Best Ways to Feel Happy – 5 Methods That Help Instantly

The best ways to feel happy are found on the inside, not on the outside. External circumstances may provide a brief burst of joy, but if you want to truly feel happy, you should concentrate on finding happiness on the inside.
This, of course, may sound nice in theory, but the trick is to put this idea into practice.
First of all, finding a way to be happy on the inside means, that happiness is already in you.
You are supposed to be happy. That is your natural state of being. It’s all the external distractions, stress, hectic schedules, problem-solving, anxiety about the future, and such, that keep you from connecting with your innate happiness.
That’s why this article focuses on eliminating external stressors, thus allowing you to focus on the joy of the present moment.

1. Meditation
Meditation is one of the best ways to feel happy. It has been scientifically shown to have many benefits. You can use it to lower stress, train your mind to focus on the positive, or even learn to be aware of and control your feelings.
Yes, you can use meditation to make you feel happier. There’s a guide to 15-minute happiness meditation here and lots more info on the subject.
2. Exercise
Exercise is essential for feeling happy. Working out releases endorphins, the “feel good hormones” of your body. Even just going out for a walk can have this effect, but if you are looking for the best ways to feel happy, then resistance training is the way to go.
Resistance training is very beneficial for your health because muscle mass optimizes you for longevity. Muscle mass also helps you regulate your weight since muscle is the primary means for getting rid of excess glucose (sugar) in your blood.
Managing your weight will help you feel happy since being overweight has been in many studies linked to issues with mood and self-esteem. Excess weight can even cause depression.
I encourage you to start some form of resistance training. You can go to the gym, buy some weights and start working out at home, or check out some form of calisthenics program where you use your body weight to build muscle.
If resistance training seems like a tall order at the moment, then start with taking a daily walk outside for 30 minutes. It will bring you many of the benefits of physical exercise as well as the benefits of connection to nature.
3 EFT Tapping
Tapping is one of the quickest and easiest ways to feel happy. It will almost instantly lower your stress and anxiety. It is based on the combined principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology.
Tapping, as the name suggests, is a fun and quick practice where you tap with your fingers on certain points on your body while focusing on what’s bothering you. This sends a signal to your brain, letting it know it’s safe to relax. It is proven to lower cortisol, the stress hormone of your body in as little as 9 minutes!
It’s easy and free to start. My go-to place for all my tapping needs is The Tapping Solution, which I can wholeheartedly recommend (no affiliation).

4. Doing something nice for another
Here’s a fun little tip for feeling happy: do something nice to make someone else happy.
There are interesting studies that show, that giving to others is deeply connected to your happiness. Spending money on someone else will most likely make you happier than spending the money on yourself (not always of course, but most of the time when your basic needs are met).
There’s a study on “prosocial spending” that states:
“The benefits of prosocial spending are evident in givers old and young in countries around the world, and extend not only to subjective well-being but objective health…one of the best ways to get the biggest payoff personally from a windfall of $20 is to spend it prosocially.”
Basically, what you give is what you get. If you want to feel happy, make someone else feel happy.
You can start small. For example, as mentioned in the linked article, take your friend to Starbucks and buy them a coffee. How easy!
5. Spirituality
Of the best ways to feel happy, spirituality is the one solution to fix everything. If you get in touch with “the big picture”, you will come to know that there’s nothing to worry about and nothing that could ever make you unhappy.
Seeking and finding your spiritual truths (not the truths of others) may not change what happens in your life every day, but it will change the way you feel about the circumstances in your life.
It may sound all woo-woo or religious, but spirituality is all about shifting your perception.
A shift in your perception will allow you to think of new thoughts and do new things. A new perspective on the circumstances in your life will make you develop new habits and form new beliefs.
If you see yourself as a victim, unable to change anything about your life, you will dis-empower yourself and be at the mercy of the circumstances around you.
On the other hand, if you see yourself as the one in charge of your own life, you will have the power to decide how you feel about the circumstances around you and choose a new approach if you don’t like what you are experiencing.
By looking at things differently, by changing your perception, you will effectively change your whole life.
The best ways to feel happy are found on the inside. If you want to truly feel happy, concentrate on finding happiness on the inside.
To do this, focus on eliminating stressors and distractions from your life, or at least learn to manage them better.
The best ways to feel happy:
1 .Meditation. You can use it to lower stress, train your mind to focus on the positive, or even learn to be aware of and control your feelings.
2. Exercise. Working out releases endorphins, the “feel good hormones” of your body. Even just going out for a walk can have this effect, but if you are looking for the best ways to feel happy, then resistance training is the way to go.
3. EFT tapping. One of the quickest and easiest ways to feel happy. It will almost instantly lower your stress and anxiety. It is proven to lower cortisol, the stress hormone of your body in as little as 9 minutes.
4. Doing something nice for another. Giving to others is deeply connected to your happiness. Spending money on someone else will most likely make you happier than spending the money on yourself.
5. Spirituality. Of the best ways to feel happy, spirituality is the one solution to fix everything. If you get in touch with “the big picture”, you will come to know that there’s nothing to worry about and nothing that could ever make you unhappy.
The entire contents of this blog are based upon the opinions of the author. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. The information in this blog is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Please consult your health care professional before trying any of the products or methods based on this content. I cannot guarantee that you will be free of stress, anxiety or depression, or that you will be happy. I simply want to share with you what I have discovered during my twenty years of seeking happiness and what has worked for me may not work for you.