physical selfcare ideas
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Physical Self-Care Ideas: 4 Ways to Energize Your Life

physical self-care ideas

You may be busy, but you should never neglect your own needs. Self-care is not a luxury, it is a necessity. Physical self-care ideas include things like eating well, exercising regularly, getting enough rest, and a good night’s sleep.

Self-care is vital for building resilience toward stressors in life. Taking care of yourself means that you are better equipped for handling anything life throws at you, feeling dedicated and energized.

When you take care of your physical needs, you will also feel much better emotionally. That’s because the mind and the body are connected. Although the mind (specifically the brain) is seen as the “command center” of the body, the two are deeply connected. Your mind is constantly analyzing signals that the body sends and responds to them in some way.

Scientific studies reveal that the hormones and neurotransmitters (chemical messengers) associated with emotion have physical effects. They affect our blood pressure, heart rate, sleep patterns, and even our appetite.

So to take care of the body is to take care of the mind, and vice versa. Although we will focus on physical self-care ideas in this article, you should view your well-being holistically; taking care of your emotional, physical, and spiritual needs.

Start the day right

The first thing to do is to start your day off right. When you wake up, your body is dehydrated and needs water. Start your day by drinking plenty of water, at least 17 oz (0,5 liters).

After drinking water, engage in some form of physical activity. This can be stretching, yoga, a morning walk, etc. Some form of movement will get your body going and prime it for the day ahead.

1. Sleep

Our modern way of living is hectic. We are busy and all too often when we need more time to get our work done, we push off sleep. But getting enough good quality sleep is arguably the most important thing for your well-being. Without sleep, navigating life’s challenges will become extremely arduous.

While you sleep, your body and mind recover from stress. They purge toxins, build muscle, repair cellular damage, and so on. You will want to prioritize sleep, it is the building block of your well-being.

Here are physical self-care ideas for sleep:

 1. Turn your electronic devices off an hour before going to bed. The light from TV, tablet, or mobile phone will hinder your ability to rest properly.

 2. Make your bedroom cool and dark. We have evolved and accustomed to sleeping “in caves” i.e. in cold and dark. A few degrees colder bedroom will help you sleep better. Eliminate all light sources or use an eye mask. You can still use as warm a blanket as you like, but the ambient temperature in the room should be a couple of degrees lower than the rest of your home.

 3. No eating at least 4 hours before bedtime. This will give your body time to wind down.

 4. If you need more support for your sleep, try lemongrass as a tea or supplement. It has powerful relaxing properties. Vitamin D supplements (especially during the dark winter months) can also help you sleep better. Vitamin D is related to your Melatonin production and studies suggest that low vitamin D levels inhibit quality sleep.

self-care ideas

2. Diet

A nutritious diet is important for your well-being, but it may be surprising to learn that not eating may be even more important.

 1. Fasting may be the most powerful thing you can do to improve your physical (and emotional) well-being. The easiest way to practice fasting is called intermittent fasting or more accurately time-restricted eating.

This is a practice where you eat all your meals of the day during a 6- to 8-hour window and fast for the remaining 16 to 18 hours. This type of fasting has a ton of benefits, including fat loss, cell repair, reduced inflammation, and a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. It may even help you to live longer!

When looking for physical self-care ideas, fasting might be the best and easiest to implement in your daily life.

 2. Vitamin D. More of a hormone than a vitamin, it is crucial for your health and well-being. The best source of vitamin D is the sun, but at least in the Northern hemisphere, exposure to the sun in adequate amounts is impossible for half of the year. That’s why it’s a must to supplement from early fall to late spring.

Vitamin D is needed to keep your energy levels up, fight off viruses and other diseases, and as mentioned, regulate your melatonin production and help you sleep, among other things.

Most of the world’s population is deficient in vitamin D so it is recommended to take a test to measure your blood serum levels of vitamin D. Then supplement with the maximum dose and measure again after a couple of months. Adjust the supplement dosage accordingly.

Eat your veggies

 3. Make sure you eat enough vegetables, around 7 cups per day. Vegetables are the best sources of vitamins and minerals. Fruit is also recommended, although in moderate amounts due to the sugar they contain. Leave fruit juices out of your diet, they are more sugar than vitamins.

 4. Avoid Omega-6, supplement Omega-3. Essential fatty acids, our bodies need both in a 1:1 ratio. The problem is, that our diets are filled with vegetable oils that are loaded with Omega-6.

Too much Omega-6 can cause inflammation and with it all sorts of problems in your body. Try to cut off vegetable oils from your diet and take Omega-3 supplements. Fish also has good amounts of Omega-3. Fish, especially wild-caught salmon should be included in your diet.

 5. Drink enough water. Proper nutrition is important, but there is no set amount that you need to drink every day. Your body can tell you when it’s thirsty, so drink when you are thirsty. Adding a tablespoon or two of freshly squeezed lemon to your water will help prevent kidney stones, provide some vitamin C, and aid with digestion.

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    3. Exercise

    Exercise produces stress-relieving hormones and improves your overall well-being. The best physical self-care ideas regarding exercise are:

     1. Keep active throughout your day. Too few of us have the time or dedication to go to the gym three or more times per week, but inactivity can be very detrimental to our health. Physical inactivity may lead to heart disease, diabetes, loss of muscle mass, or even cancer.

    The best remedy is to make sure you find opportunities to move throughout the day. Every 30 to 45 minutes, stand up from your chair, walk around and stretch for 5 to 15 minutes. Instead of using the elevator, take the stairs. Try walking to the store instead of driving. These small activities will add up during the day and help your physical well-being.

     2. Resistance training: While aerobic exercise is important, resistance training has far more benefits for your health. Resistance training is foundational to your long-term health because muscle mass optimizes you for longevity.

    The greater your muscle mass, the higher your survivability against all diseases. Muscle mass also helps you regulate your weight since muscle is the primary means for getting rid of excess glucose (sugar) in your blood.

    Working out may also be a natural antidepressant because physical exercise triggers the release of BDNF in your body. It is a molecule that is deficient in people with depression.

    physical self care ideas

    4. Relaxation

    Just as important as exercise or general activity, is the rest period in between.
    It’s easy to forget how important relaxation is when we’re so busy. However, taking the time to relax can make us more productive at work and less stressed at home.

    The best physical self-care ideas regarding relaxation are:

     1. Breathing. Stop and breathe in and out deeply and slowly a couple of times. This will signal your nervous system to relax.

     2. Meditation is a great exercise for winding down. Try a guided meditation audio to get started. Nature also provides ample opportunities for meditation and relaxation. Try staring at running water or fire (the flame of a candle will do) and let your body and mind relax.

     3. You can also try some natural remedies for anxiety and stress to help you relax. These include green tea, lemongrass, and ashwagandha.

     4. Relaxation can also mean just taking some time to engage in an activity you find enjoyable. Make time for your hobby or something that you enjoy doing. This will greatly help you relax.


    Self-care is not a luxury, it is a necessity. Physical self-care ideas consist of eating well, exercising regularly, getting enough rest, and a good night’s sleep.

    Self-care is vital for building resilience toward stressors in life. Taking care of yourself means that you are better equipped for handling anything life throws at you.

    And when you take care of your physical needs, you will also feel much better emotionally.

    Start your day off right with plenty of water and light exercise.

    Make sure you get enough sleep and nourish your body with a healthy diet. Intermittent fasting, vitamin D supplements, and cutting sources of Omega-6 fatty acids from your diet are the best things you can do for your body.

    Start resistance training and make sure to stay active throughout the day. Healthy muscles are key to longevity and well-being.

    Proper rest is also important. Try natural herbs to help you relax as well as breathing exercises and meditation, or do something that you thoroughly enjoy doing.

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      The entire contents of this blog are based upon the opinions of the author. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only.  The information in this blog is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Please consult your health care professional before trying any of the products or methods based on this content. I cannot guarantee that you will be free of stress, anxiety or depression, or that you will be happy. I simply want to share with you what I have discovered during my twenty years of seeking happiness and what has worked for me may not work for you.

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