What Is the Best Way to Be Happy?

Is there a best way to be happy? Happiness is after all subjective and there’s not even a universally agreed upon definition of happiness. How could we know if there is one best way to be happy when we can’t even agree on what happiness is?
Although the feeling of happiness is subjective and there are many paths to happiness, I’m going to argue that there is indeed one best way to be happy. It will require trying things you may not have tried before. It will also require you to stretch your imagination and possibly adopt new beliefs.
The best way to be happy is to find your deepest spiritual truths about life, the universe and everything.
When you understand “the big picture” and what’s going on “behind the scenes”, you will know that there’s nothing to worry about and nothing that could ever make you unhappy.
Get in touch with your own truths about life
I know this may all sound very woo-woo or impractical. Life has its struggles, ups and downs, happy moments and sad moments. How could some “spiritual” truth change the realities of everyday life?
Well, the thing is, that finding the spiritual truths (your truths, not the truths of others) may not change what happens in your life every day, but they will change the way you feel about the circumstances in your life.
It doesn’t matter what you believe now. You may be religious or an atheist. Scientist or a sceptic. Being spiritual doesn’t require you to start believing in a new deity or a power beyond your comprehension. Spirituality is about getting in touch with yourself and the deepest truths you hold about life.
Happiness was always inside of you
Within yourself, you can find a belief that you can be happy, that you are happy, and that you never even were unhappy to begin with. Indeed, you will understand that there’s nothing to be sad about. Nothing to be afraid of. There’s nothing that could make you unhappy.
I’m not saying that it’s easy to find such a belief, nor am I saying that it happens overnight. But what I am saying is that should you start your journey on a spiritual path, no matter how long it takes, the truths you will find along the way will be well worth the effort.
So just roll along with it. Take these ideas in. See how you feel about them. Then decide what you are going to do with the information you received.
Related: Be Happy Now – Spirituality Guide to Your Best Life
The best way to be happy
The best way to be happy is all about understanding the larger truths about the life you live.
I’ve included some links (you can start by downloading the free eBook from the form above) to my content where you can read more about my ideas of “the big picture”, but the more beneficial thing to do is to give you the tools that allow you to come to your own conclusions.
We’ll start with your perception since the way you look at things will quite literally determine what life will look like to you.
If you see yourself as a victim, unable to change anything about your life, you will disempower yourself and be at the mercy of the circumstances around you.
On the other hand, if you see yourself as the one in charge of your own life, you will have the power to decide how you feel about the circumstances around you and choose a new approach if you don’t like what you are experiencing.
Change your perception - change your life
A shift in your perception will allow you to think of new thoughts and do new things. A new perspective on the circumstances in your life will make you develop new habits and form new beliefs.
By looking at things differently, by changing your perception, you will effectively change your whole life.
How does this apply to happiness and spirituality? I’d say that most of us living here on earth identify with our physical bodies. We think that life is physical, born by accident perhaps, and that consciousness is a byproduct of hundreds of millions of years of evolution of the brain.
We value our physical life and feel so intimidated by the end of it that we go to great lengths to prolong our own physical existence. Some may even fear death so much that they are afraid to truly live, so as not to accidentally injure themselves.
Try a new perspective
Now imagine a shift in your perception – take a spiritual perspective on life: Life is more than physical. In fact, life is all there is. There’s nothing that is not life and life was not born accidentally in the universe – the universe was born out of life. Our existence is the very essence of life made physical.
If you view life from this perspective, you will understand that life cannot end. Life was, is, and always will be. What you call death is merely a transformation. A shift from one plane of existence (density) to another.
Whether you think this is true or not, contemplate how this makes you feel.
Imagine new possibilities
What if instead of viewing life as a brief physical existence, you viewed life as an ongoing never-ending process? Would you be afraid of death if you knew there was no such thing? Would you mourn the loss of a loved one? Would you be happier knowing that you cannot fail and life goes on and on?
Again, it does not matter if you believe this or not. This is a thought exercise meant to make a shift in your perception. Thinking of possibilities like this will increase your awareness, which in turn will change the way you think. What you think will eventually form your beliefs and your beliefs shape your entire life.
Change your perception, change your life. There’s a guide with some exercises in the link below if you want to learn more about shifting your perception.
Related: What You Believe is What You See – Perception is Everything

Meditation is a common practice nowadays and while becoming popular has taken on many different forms. This has resulted in the loss of the original intent of meditation.
Meditation has been scientifically proven to have many benefits for your mind and body, but the most important aspect is to connect you with your “true self”. This “true self” is the part of you that already knows the highest truths about life. It is who you are underneath all of your accumulated beliefs, habits and thoughts.
When you were born, you needed very little to be happy. In fact, happiness was your natural state of being. If there was nothing that made you unhappy, like being hungry, you were very happy and amazed by everything around you.
Happiness is your natural state of being
When you grew up, you started to form beliefs and make assumptions about your life. You started to think that there are things that you need if you want to be happy.
But in reality, you need very little to be happy. As long as your needs are met, your default state of being is one of joy and wonder.
Meditation is a great tool for connecting with this “default state” of yourself. Call it the true self, the higher self, the inner child, it is who you truly are. Everything you think you are now is just accumulated thought patterns, habits and beliefs.
Try meditation - it is easy
Try meditation to set your conscious mind aside for a second and connect with your feelings. In meditation, you may find your true desires. Discover your passion and purpose. Understand larger truths. Irrevokably shift your perspective.
Contrary to what you may think, there is no one right way or the best way to meditate. However, I suggest that you find a place where you can be undisturbed for about 15 minutes and sit in silence. It’s a good way to start and you may need nothing more to reap the full benefits of meditation.
You can also use guided mediation audio if you wish. I have also written about meditation if you want to learn the basics.
Related: Meditation

Give it some time
I wish it was more straightforward to learn how to be happy. But the truth is, that it will take some time and effort to get to a state of mind where you feel happy, relaxed, and at peace most of the time.
It’s a cliche but also a fact of life that only you know the best way to be happy. There is no magic pill or one-size-fits-all solution to happiness. Nobody knows how to make yourself happy more than you.
Use the two tools described above, shifting your perception and meditation, as often as possible and you will start to form a new understanding of life. The more your perception shifts and the more you can connect with your “true self”, the happier you will be.
You will notice that life starts to flow in your favour. You have more clarity, more energy, and more joy in your daily life.
Keep learning and evolving
But the most important and the best way to be happy is to keep evolving. Question things, read books, watch movies, attend seminars, stop and look around, and wonder why things are the way they are.
Ask questions, seek answers. The more you wonder the more your awareness will grow. Increased awareness brings with it new ideas, new habits, new beliefs and a new perspective on life. So if you feel like you can’t be happy, a new perspective is just what you need.
I’ll leave you with one last thought about the best way to be happy. Perhaps all you need to be happy is the understanding that everything changes.
If you are experiencing bad times, know that they will not last forever and things will eventually be joyful. Your good times will change too (perhaps just from awesome to still very good) and knowing it can make you appreciate them even more.
The best way to be happy is to find your deepest spiritual truths about life, the universe and everything.
When you understand “the big picture” and what’s going on “behind the scenes”, you will know that there’s nothing to worry about and nothing that could ever make you unhappy.
It doesn’t matter what you believe now. Spirituality is about getting in touch with yourself and finding your own deepest truths about life.
Only you know the best way to be happy. There is no magic pill or one-size-fits-all solution to happiness. Nobody knows how to make yourself happy more than you.
By looking at things differently, by changing your perception, you will effectively change your whole life.
Try meditation and in time you may come to understand larger truths about life and irrevocably shift your perspective.
Use the two tools described in this blog post, shifting your perception and meditation, as often as possible and you will start to form a new understanding of life.
The more your perception shifts and the more you can connect with your “true self”, the happier you will be.
Remember to keep evolving. Question things, read books, watch movies, attend seminars, stop and look around, and wonder why things are the way they are.
The entire contents of this blog are based upon the opinions of the author. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. The information in this blog is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Please consult your health care professional before trying any of the products or methods based on this content. I cannot guarantee that you will be free of stress, anxiety or depression, or that you will be happy. I simply want to share with you what I have discovered during my twenty years of seeking happiness and what has worked for me may not work for you.