best personal growth books

The Best Personal Growth Books – 5 Must-Read Classics

best personal growth books

During my life, I’ve read countless self-help books, but I always find myself coming back to these 5 classics. These are the best personal growth books that have changed my life for the better and I can recommend these books to anyone who wants to take their life to the next level.

These books offer practical advice on how to improve yourself in areas ranging from relationships and health to finances to spirituality. Reading just one of these books could transform your life in ways you did not know were possible. Take a look at the list and head to the nearest bookstore!

I know it would be helpful to have links to these books, but these are classics that can be found easily at a low price almost anywhere, so pick them up where ever you feel suits you best.

1. Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill

Think and Grow Rich is undoubtedly one of the most famous self-improvement books ever written.

Napoleon Hill spent a fortune and years of his life in search of the “laws of success”. These “laws” he meticulously describes in this book and the book does a phenomenal job of conveying these laws in an understandable form to the reader.

The original Think and Grow Rich was published in 1937 and has since been updated and revised, but the core remains the same. Hill uses stories of Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and other millionaires of his generation as examples of his “laws” and the stories truly drive the point across.

This book made a huge impact on my life and helped me achieve a successful career in sales at a corporate bank. The principles in this book have guided me throughout my life and I could not imagine what my life would be like if I hadn’t been introduced to this book at a fairly young age.

2. How to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie

Let’s face it. We all want to have friends and influence. This timeless bestseller by Dale Carnegie will help you do just that in a way that is subtle yet highly effective.

Sold by tens of millions and translated into almost every known language, this book has no doubt improved and transformed the lives of millions and remains one of the best-known motivational guides in history. 

Originally published during the Great Depression, this book might be more relevant now than ever. It will teach you:

  • How to communicate effectively
  • How to successfully navigate any social situation
  • How to make people like you
  • How to get others to see your side
  • How to become a more effective leader

Speaking of personal growth books...

Here’s my book. It’s not quite the classic as the others here, but it expands on the ideas presented in the other books mentioned here.

In it, you will learn:

  • How to eliminate negative thoughts
  • How your mind works
  • How to relieve stress
  • How to choose when & where to be happy
  • A mindset for dropping fear, anxiety and depression

Go ahead and grab it, it’s free.

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    3. Conversations With God: An Uncommon Dialogue 1, 2 and 3 - Neale Donald Walsch

    If you could talk to god, what would you ask? Would you ask about the meaning of life, the secret of making your life work, or maybe is there life elsewhere in the universe?

    While being really upset with his life, one day Neale Donald Walsch wrote an angry letter to God. To his surprise, God answered. 

    Don’t be shunned away by the premise of these books. I know I was very hesitant to read these books as I am not religious and did not feel like reading about God’s new messages or whatever I thought was in these books.

    But who and what is God and how he/she/it communicates with us is worth reading about. This trilogy offers “the manual for life on earth”, the deepest spiritual truths about life, and answers to the most fundamental questions about the meaning of life, the universe and everything. And the answer is much more in-depth than 42.

    The most profound life lesson in these books however, is that they teach you that having your own conversation with God is what truly matters.

    It’s a trilogy rather than just one book (and the conversations cover 9 books in total + there’s tons more where that came from), but I recommend reading them all since each book builds upon the last one. Mandatory reading for everyone, this trilogy has truly life-changing potential.

    While these are not your typical self-help books, these are among the best personal growth books that I have ever read.

    4. The Secret - Rhonda Byrne

    Conspicuously titled, but one of the best books to explain how “the law of attraction” works. Yes, The Secret is not so much a secret anymore. As mentioned, it refers to the law of attraction and your innate ability to use visualization as a means to manifest in your life anything you can imagine.

    But the point is not what you choose to call this “law”, it’s how to use it effectively. The secret is filled with information about the deeper workings of our subconscious minds in the form of stories from modern-day spiritual teachers. These people have used this secret to achieve health, prosperity, relationships, and happiness. 

    Through their stories, you’ll learn how to use the Secret to eradicate disease, acquire massive wealth, overcome obstacles, and achieve what many would regard as impossible. 

    This was the book that brought together the best teachers of the law of attraction and sows together the pieces of the secret in an incredible revelation that will be life-transforming for all who experience it.

    5. The healing codes - Dr Alexander Loyd

    Perhaps not a classic in the proverbial sense, this book is one of my all-time favourites nonetheless.

    The Healing Codes are a powerful self-healing method that helps your body remove one of the primary causes of illness and disease: stress. 

    The Healing Codes is a simple, quick-to-perform, method, that activates your body’s natural healing centres by using a combination of physical techniques and prayer/meditation practices. Activating these healing centres help your body identify and heal negative cellular memories that shut down your immune system and keep you from optimal health. 

    The Healing Codes method is easy to learn and apply. The only thing you need is the book and you’ll learn the method in no time at all.

    Whether you have struggled with your health for years, or if you are simply looking to live your healthiest life possible, this book is most definitely for you.

    I’ve had an almost miraculous healing experience with the healing codes, you can read all about it here.

    Conclusion - The Best Personal Growth Books

    The best personal growth books are the ones that, well, make you grow. The book does not have to contain universal truths or secrets; It can be any book as long as it expands your awareness of life and the world around you.

    In addition, reading in and of itself is a great exercise for the mind and helps you expand your awareness. So pick a book, any book, and set aside 15-30 min daily to read and learn new things.

    That being said, reading just one of the books from this list can change your life profoundly.

    Even if you don’t feel like any of these books are relevant or interesting, give one of them a go. It’s always good to learn something new.

    Worst case scenario: You’ll lose some time.

    Best case scenario: Your life will become so amazing that you may find it hard to believe.

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      The entire contents of this blog are based upon the opinions of the author. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only.  The information in this blog is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Please consult your health care professional before trying any of the products or methods based on this content. I cannot guarantee that you will be free of stress, anxiety or depression, or that you will be happy. I simply want to share with you what I have discovered during my twenty years of seeking happiness and what has worked for me may not work for you.

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