How To Heal Yourself: You (Don’t) Need A Miracle

Today I’d like to share a personal story with you. It’s a story about healing, both mentally and physically. Often, if not always, the two go hand in hand. Our body and mind (as well as our soul, should you choose to believe in one) are inseparable.
One affects the other in both positive and negative, and understanding this can help you heal yourself from anything. You just need a tiny amount of belief. Not necessarily belief in a higher power, nor a miracle, but belief in yourself that you already have in you everything that is needed to heal.
This is such an important realisation that it will be a topic of another blogpost, but for now I want to tell you that there is hope. There is always hope that things will turn out for the better. So if you suffer from anxiety, depression, illness, pain or anything else, let my story be an inspiration for you.
It will help you understand how to heal yourself. Know that help is available if you are willing to accept it, and it may come from very unexpected sources.
Enjoying Life - The "Wrong" Way
Around ten years ago I was at the height of my career. I had a secure job at a corporate bank with good salary, and I thought I had it made. I was enjoying my job and life in general. The problem was, that I was enjoying these things in ways that were not beneficial for my health.
I used to work long hours, stay up late surfing the internet, drinking alcohol, partying every weekend and sometimes during the week too. I ate whatever I liked, usually foods that tasted good but had very little nutritional value, like hamburgers and pizza. I didn’t have time to cook anyway and if I did, I just had to drink a bottle of wine while cooking.
That was what I had always dreamed of. My dream life consisted of drinking and partying, which my job allowed and often encouraged, as I was required to take my clients out for dinners and parties on a regular basis.
As fun as it was, it was not healthy. My health started to deteriorate quickly. I gained weight, over 30 pounds, started to have pains in my back and legs and I was tired all the time. Still I was somehow blind to this or could not accept the fact that my way of life was unsustainable health-wise.
At this time I realised that I wasn’t truly happy. My happiness was superficial, tied to external things. But it was only later that I started to ponder the meaning of this in a more in-depth way.
A Wake Up Call
Then late one night I got a phone call. It was my parents telling me that my brother had died. After suffering for years from severe depression and problems with drugs and alcohol, he had decided that enough is enough. He saw no other way out than taking his own life at the young age of 28.
It was a rude awakening for me to the temporary nature of physical life and a hard pill to swallow. I had no idea how to deal with my emotions as I had never learned how. The only solution for me was to not confront my feelings at all.
So I tried to repress my sorrow by working more. All my coworkers were truly understanding of my situation and offered to fill in if I needed to take time of work. My boss told me to go home and relax for as long as I needed. But I told everyone that I was fine and I did not take even one day off from work.
It was my way of “dealing” with the situation, but as you can probably guess, it was not making things any better.
I developed plenty of health problems on top of my existing ones. If I wasn’t sleeping properly before, now I was hardly sleeping at all. I used even more alcohol and ate even more unhealthy food. I partied in hopes that I would not have to think about what had happened.
From Bad To Worse
Before long, things got from bad to worse. I started to develop a heart arrhythmia, which felt really uncomfortable especially when trying to sleep. My pulse rate went up to 120 bpm and did not come down no matter how I tried to relax.
The rhythm of my heart was irregular and it felt like my heart would stop beating for brief periods of time. Still I did not slow down. I worked, since that was the only thing that kept me from dealing with my brother’s demise.
Then finally one night, on a business trip, things got unbearable. It felt as if my heart was going to stop. I could not finish my dinner, because I felt like I was going to throw up. Slowly made my way to my hotel room, took a shower and went to bed, only to find myself covered in cold sweat. I could not sleep and I was sure I would have a heart attack.
But I made it through the night and the next morning I cancelled all my meetings, told my boss that I would take a sick leave and called a doctor so I could have my heart examined.
The same day I went to a doctor who confirmed my symptoms. I was prescribed medicine for arrhythmia and told to take some time off. My resting heartbeat was still over 120 bpm and the doctor sent me to a hospital for further examination.

Something's Wrong - But What?
After a thorough examination, EKG and the likes, I went home and tried to get some rest. I was feeling a bit better, but I was conflicted about taking any heart medicine. “Is this how I’m supposed to live? Taking pills for heart arrhythmias for the rest of my life? I’m only 30 years old for christ’s sake! I should be healthy and full of life, not take pills for my heart like an old man!”.
In a few days I got a call from the hospital. They had my results ready and, to my surprise, the doctor told me that he can’t find anything wrong with me. Physically I was fine and my EKG, said the doctor, was perfect. Like taken from the pages of an anatomy textbook.
This was of course great news, but very, very puzzling. How can my heart seem to be healthy when I’m clearly suffering from arrhythmias?
Well, in any case I felt like I was healthy enough to go to a nightclub. Not the best idea in my condition, but I was a slave of my habits. So the very next weekend I went out to party, but this is where things get really interesting.
Help From Unexpected Sources
Instead of the usual night out with my friends, I found myself sitting in a table with a person who had an aura of deep empathy around her. I can’t remember how the conversation started, but I remember her talking about her own life, the hardships she had been through, and the healing process that allowed her to let go of the past and live a life full of peace and joy.
There was something so captivating about this story, that we sat and talked for hours. I forgot all about my friends and partying, and just listened to how I could heal myself and transform my life. I told her what I had been through and she listened patiently, telling me that things would be ok. She recommended a book that had helped her and I wrote the name of that book down.
The encounter was so unexpected and so out of the ordinary, that I felt almost like as if a “higher power” was giving me guidance, telling me how to heal my life.
I left the club that night feeling a sense of inspiration. I knew this was a turning point and I should, and could, find a new meaning and purpose for my life.
How To Heal Yourself
The next morning I checked my phone and dug up the name of the book. I found it in an online store, ordered it and went on with my day feeling great for the first time in months, if not years.
A couple of days later the book arrived. I sat down and read it almost at one sitting. The story was about healing and understanding the deepest secrets of life. The message: Your body has the capability of healing itself from anything and the pains and illnesses that we have are mostly psychosomatic. That is, something in your mind, negative thoughts and beliefs, cause your body to react in a way that makes you ill. If you can find a way to heal those negative beliefs, your body will start to heal too.
I understood at that moment, that my heart problems are psychosomatic. My inability to deal with my brothers death is piling up negative thoughts and beliefs in my mind, thus making my body react in a negative way too.
This realisation, that our minds and bodies are connected, was the first step towards healing. The second step was explained in the book too: A very simple exercise that takes only 15 minutes to do.

(Almost) A Miracle
That day, I did the exercise for the first time. The next day, three times as recommended. Then three times again the following day.
After doing the exercise for just 2,5 days, I woke up in the morning and felt strange. Immediately I knew what was going on.
No more arrhythmia. It was gone. No trace of it, as if it never even existed.
The doctors who had examined me just a week ago had told me that I would have to learn to live with my heart arrhythmia for the rest of my life. Yet there I was, completely healed and free of symptoms. I almost could not believe it. I half expected the symptoms to return later, but they didn’t. To this day, as I’m writing this story over ten years later, I’ve not had any problems with my heart.
Finally healthy and happy
Just to make sure I wasn’t making it all up, I tried something else. All the things that were bothering me, caused me anger or frustration, I dealt with using the exercise described in the book. And wouldn’t you know it, in one night I got rid of stiffness in my legs. The following days I felt lighter, freer, happier than ever before.
In the following years my life continued to shift in ways I could not have imagined before. Amazing coincidences happened, problems almost seemed to solve themselves, I was feeling healthier and happier by the day.
Of course there were still things that I would label “negative”, but now I had the tools to deal with them. I knew how to accept and let go the negative thoughts and beliefs I had and knew how to replace them with positive, more beneficial ones.
The Tools For Healing
If you’ve read this far you must be wondering “What’s the name of the book?”
“C’mon, tell me already! Stop teasing and just spit it out!”
Don’t worry, of course I’m going to tell you. But just to make things clear, I am not affiliated with the author, I’m not doing this for the money. This is not a paid advertisement or a “sales page”. The author deserves to get paid for his work, but as for me… consider this my gift to you.
It is my deepest wish that we can all live a healthy, happy life, free of stress and worry. This book will not solve all of the problems on this planet, but if I can make life better even for just one person, I consider it a win for us all.
The book is:
You Can Heal Yourself
I have no doubt, that if you have just the tiniest amount of belief, you can transform your whole life and heal yourself just like I did. The book I just recommended may very well be all it takes. But if you find that this particular method does not resonate with you, Dr. Alex has other books and courses available for you to try.
I wholeheartedly recommend that you give it a try. Dr. Alex even offers a full one-year money back guarantee.
And if this story resonated with you or helped you in any way, maybe consider subscribing to the newsletter. There’s a free eBook about happiness to go along with it and I have more stories about healing and transforming your life coming up.
Fill out the form down below if you want to download the book and subscribe to the newsletter.
Happiness is a choice. Always choose happiness.
The entire contents of this blog are based upon the opinions of the author. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. The information in this blog is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Please consult your health care professional before trying any of the products or methods based on this content. I cannot guarantee that you will be free of stress, anxiety or depression, or that you will be happy. I simply want to share with you what I have discovered during my twenty years of seeking happiness and what has worked for me may not work for you.