Be the Best You: How Personal Development Coaching Can Change Your Life

This is a personal story about the power of personal development coaching.
Having been a practitioner of various personal growth methods for well over 20 years now, I’ve seen little use in working with a coach.
Until the day I accidentally found myself being coached by a seasoned NLP practitioner.
Yes, accidentally.
I never intended to get a coach because, as mentioned, I never saw the appeal. I was already working on my personal growth and was highly successful. Why would I need a coach?
However, I was amazed at how my life changed once I started to work with a professional coach.

The Power of Personal Development Coaching
First things first, coaching is not a shortcut to success nor a magic pill.
The coach does not do the work for you but rather empowers you to access your innate strengths and leverage those for powerful growth.
Imagine the obstacles in your life as the woods.
You are in the thick of it, trying to push your way through.
A coach is like a drone hovering over the trees.
They see the bigger picture and all the paths you can take to get out of the woods.
Yes, the classic “I can only show you the way, you must be the one to walk it”.
But still, coaching gives you options. Often you have more options than you think, you just can’t see them from your perspective.
The Reputation of Coaching and Self-Help industry
Another thing that’s important to address:
In the past, personal development and “self-help” were often ridiculed or dismissed as frivolous pursuits.
There was a stigma attached to the idea of paying money for advice or guidance, only to be left to figure things out on your own.
Jokes abounded about how self-help was just a way to line someone else’s pockets without really achieving any meaningful change.
However, times have changed, and so has the perception of personal development.
Today, personal development coaching is not only respected but also in high demand.
People have come to recognize the power and effectiveness of investing in themselves, whether through self-help materials or with the assistance of a personal development coach.
If you think about it, investing in your growth is the best investment that you can make.
There are still problems with the reputation of the coaching industry and plenty of con artists and less respectable people posing as coaches, but there are ways to separate the good coaches from the posers.

My Story about Coaching
What about my story?
Not too long ago I was overwhelmed with work. No matter how much I did, there was always more and more to do.
Worse yet, I wasn’t making that much money in proportion to what I was doing.
Needless to say, this was very stressful.
I started to lose my sleep, didn’t have the energy to exercise or socialize, and as a consequence, lost my focus at work too.
This, in turn, led to even more work piling up since I couldn’t focus on it effectively and had to spend more time doing even the simplest of tasks.
How I accidentally got a coach
At the time, I was writing some articles for one of my long-time clients.
We have a good and transparent relationship, so I got to talking to him about my workload and stress.
He said that maybe he could help.
He is working as a coach to help entrepreneurs such as myself to free up their time and focus on things that matter.
Furthermore, he’s trained in the ways of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming). NLP studies the ways our words and thoughts affect our behavior and helps us take control of them rather than the other way around.
He said that he could coach me as a favor, so I said yes. After all, I had done what I could do by myself and had nothing to lose.
The Results
We started with a couple of 45-minute sessions, and to my surprise, I immediately had some breakthroughs:
I figured out, that there was no harm in dedicating some time for rest and mental well-being.
I started to take Friday nights and Saturdays off. That was time for me to just relax and take it easy or see my friends.
Furthermore, I started to meditate again.
I have practiced meditation for a long time and know its benefits, but when things get stressful and meditation could help, I often drop this practice first. It’s some deeply ingrained programming at work, but this is what happens.
However, in the coaching sessions, I realized that meditation could help me relax and focus on my goals. So I began to meditate every morning.
What happened after just three 45-minute coaching sessions, was almost unbelievable.
I had rebuilt my old meditation habit, freed up time for rest and well-being, and as a result, felt more relaxed and energetic than I had been in weeks.
Of course, this led to better performance at work, feeling more motivated to exercise and take care of myself, and an overall feeling of happiness and trust that things would work out.
Coaching is empowering
What was most amazing to me, however, was the fact that my coach never suggested any of these things to me.
Instead, he asked questions and we dug into the root of the problem.
After that, I came to these conclusions myself.
I had the answers all along, I just could not see them by myself.
I needed the outside perspective and guidance to arrive at these conclusions.
That is the power of coaching.
- The coach is like a mirror that you can reflect on and see things from a fresh new perspective.
- The coach can be like a “camera crew” documenting your life and showing you what it’s like now and what it could be like in the future.
- The coach is also an experienced guide, showing you all the routes you can take to get to your goal and how to traverse those routes quickly.

Coaching vs Self-Help
There are two main avenues for personal growth:
The first is self-help, such as courses, books, and other resources.
The second avenue is utilizing the guidance of a personal development coach.
Each approach has its merits, but they also have distinct differences in how they support individuals on their journey to self-improvement.
Self-help materials provide valuable insights, strategies, and tools for personal growth.
They empower individuals to take charge of their own development, offering a wealth of knowledge that can be accessed at any time. From books on mindfulness to online courses on goal-setting, there is a vast array of resources available to cater to different needs and preferences.
However, self-help materials can sometimes lack the personalized guidance and accountability that a coach provides.
This is where personal development coaching shines.
Ever seen an athlete without a coach?
Think about sports.
Professional athletes work with coaches; that’s a given.
Athletes succeed because they receive expert guidance, personalized training, and unwavering support from their coaches.
This enables them to hone their skills, overcome obstacles, and achieve their goals.
Just as a coach guides athletes to reach their full potential on the field, we can all benefit immensely from working with a coach.
Whether it’s career advancement, health, personal growth, or relationships—a coach can provide the necessary tools, strategies, and encouragement to help navigate challenges, unlock true potential, and thrive.
With the expert guidance of a coach, anyone can harness their innate talents, conquer their fears, and start a journey toward a fulfilling and successful life journey.
The advantages of having a Coach
Here’s why working with a coach is so powerful:
- Expert Guidance: Coaches bring years of experience and expertise to the table. With their guidance, you can avoid common mistakes and learn advanced skills faster.
- Personalized Training: A coach tailors training programs to suit individual strengths, weaknesses, and goals.
- Motivation and Accountability: Coaches provide the necessary encouragement and support to keep you motivated, especially during tough times. They hold you accountable for your progress, pushing you to strive for excellence even when you feel like giving up.
- Objective Feedback: Coaches offer objective feedback. This constructive criticism is invaluable for growth and development.
- Mental Toughness: Coaches help you develop mental toughness, resilience, and confidence. They teach how to stay focused and overcome setbacks.
A personal development coach is a supportive partner who helps you identify your goals, overcome obstacles, and stay accountable to your commitments.
They provide personalized guidance tailored to your unique circumstances, challenges, and aspirations.
Make yourself accountable
Furthermore, a coach provides accountability, which can be a game-changer in reaching your goals.
If we could hold ourselves accountable, we would have already achieved every goal we’ve ever had.
But of course that’s not the case, so having a coach to hold you accountable is a good way to get moving and stay moving toward your goals.
Align Your Goals and Motivation
Goals, accountability, and motivation go hand-in-hand, and coaches have excellent tools for aligning your motivation with your goals (this will also help keep you accountable to yourself).
All goals, no matter whether personal or professional, are fueled by your personal motivation.
If you don’t care about the goal, you’re not going to do much to get to it.
That’s where a coach can help too, to dig into your beliefs and subconscious motivation; the “why” behind your actions and align that with the goals you aim to achieve.
Personal development coaching can be a transformative experience, one that elevates your life in ways you may not have imagined.
My own journey from skepticism to wholehearted endorsement is a testament to the power of this process.
Despite years of personal growth practices, it wasn’t until I engaged with a professional coach that I realized how much further I could go.
However, coaching isn’t a magic solution or a shortcut to success.
Instead, it’s a partnership where the coach empowers you to tap into your inner strengths and navigate your path with clarity and purpose.
Just as a drone provides a birds-eye view of the forest, a coach helps you see the bigger picture and identify the best paths forward.
The stigma once associated with personal development coaching has largely dissipated, replaced by widespread recognition of its value.
Investing in yourself, whether through self-help resources or with the guidance of a coach, is one of the most rewarding commitments you can make.
Ultimately, personal development coaching can help you become the best version of yourself.
Whether you’re seeking career advancement, personal growth, or better relationships, a coach can provide the tools, strategies, and support needed to thrive.
So, take that step, invest in yourself, and experience how coaching can change your life.
The entire contents of this blog are based upon the opinions of the author. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. The information in this blog is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Please consult your health care professional before trying any of the products or methods based on this content. I cannot guarantee that you will be free of stress, anxiety or depression, or that you will be happy. I simply want to share with you what I have discovered during my twenty years of seeking happiness and what has worked for me may not work for you.