solving mental health problems
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How to Solve the World’s Mental Health Crisis – Part 3/3 the Solution

There is a way forward. Despite everything I had learned, that unknowingly brought me so much stress and anxiety, I learned, as an adult, to break the patterns of old habits, and control my emotions. I learned what it takes to be happy and beat stress, anxiety, and depression in the process. You can learn it too. Anyone can.

mental well-being hope
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How to Solve the World’s Mental Health Crisis – Part 2/3 What is the Cause?

Not fitting into the “one-size-fits-all” mold that our society keeps pushing us through leads to the feeling of “not enough”. That in turn leads to stress, anxiety, sadness, and depression. We don’t know how to deal with this feeling of “not enough”. We’ve never been told how to deal with any of our feelings in a healthy way.

mental well being tips
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How to Solve the World’s Mental Health Crisis – Part 1/3 Understanding the Crisis

In 2023 people are the unhappiest they have ever been. 540 million people worldwide suffer from anxiety or depression. Over 30 % of people around the world reported feeling stressed, worried, and/or angry. 700 000 die of suicide each year. Does this sound like a world where people are happy and enjoying life?

how can happiness be learned
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Can Happiness be Learned? – Yes! Here are 7 Tested Techniques

Is happiness something that just happens? Is it an emotion that sparks up in response to an external stimulus or event? Or can happiness be learned? The short answer is yes, happiness can be learned.  Research suggests that happiness is largely a learned skill rather than an innate personality trait. Studies have shown that individuals…

focus on the positive
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Focus on the Positive: 8 Effective Methods for Turning Negative Thoughts into Positive Ones

It is probably obvious without saying that life is much more enjoyable if you know how to focus on the positive. Focusing on the positive is not about what thoughts or feelings we might have, but about how we choose to frame those thoughts and feelings. Having a positive mindset…

create a morning routine how to
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A Morning Routine that Will Make Your Day Better

A morning routine helps you start your day off right. Starting the day feeling good and energized will prime you for success during the rest of your daily activities. It does not have to be a long and complicated process. Just a few simple things will help you feel better and get your mind and…

fix low self-esteem
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How to Fix Low Self-Esteem

“How to fix low self-esteem” may be one of the most discussed topics in the self-help industry. There are hundreds of studies, theories, courses, books, and other things that promise to solve the matter. And it’s no wonder why. Self-esteem is one of the most coveted traits. Being confident in your value as a human being is a powerful resource for plowing through daily life.

the best ways to feel happy
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Best Ways to Feel Happy – 5 Methods That Help Instantly

The best ways to feel happy are found on the inside, not on the outside. External circumstances may provide a brief burst of joy, but if you want to truly feel happy, you should concentrate on finding happiness on the inside. This, of course, may sound nice in theory, but the trick is to put…