What Make Good Friends

Why Friends Are So Important: Social Connections And Happiness

Friends. Can’t stand them, but can’t live without them? All jokes aside, humans are inherently social beings and there are many benefits that social connections bestow upon our well-being. Our well-being in general will be the topic of the following blog posts (a deep dive into human physical, emotional and spiritual needs), so let’s take…

Not Needing
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The #1 Reason Why You Shouldn’t Want Or Need Anything

Our mind is an incredibly powerful tool. Did you know that there’s for example no such thing as a good memory or a bad memory?* There’s only a trained memory or an untrained memory. The best thinkers among us through the centuries have given us incredible inventions, some even unlocking the mysteries of the universe…

How To Feel Happy
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How To Let Go Of Fear And Feel Happy (During Hard Times)

Author’s note Dec 17th, 2022: This blog post was originally written during the pandemic in late 2020. Hopefully, we have rid ourselves of the pandemic now, but the message here is timeless and applies to any challenging times in life. This blog will start out way differently than I thought, would be an understatement at…