Empathy how to
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Empathy – The Forgotten Ability: Learn How To Tolerate Other People

Do you sometimes or often find other people annoying? They just don’t get it no matter what you say or do. Maybe they post something on social media that gets you all worked up. You get angry or upset. Well, my friend, you are not alone. In the age of social media, it’s easier than…

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Child’s play! Make Your Life All Fun And Games

Growing up, how often did you hear the phrase “life’s not all fun and games, you know”? I know I have heard that many, many times. It is of course said with the best of intentions in recognition to the fact that you can’t have fun all the time. We have other emotions besides happiness…

7 Superior Mindsets for a Happier Life
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7 Superior Mindsets for a Happier Life

True happiness is found on the inside. This is the point of Happiness On Demand. You are happy, unless you start believing that there’s something you need in order to be happy and as you start to pursue happiness, you make yourself unhappy. Even so, happiness is always there, for it is the very essence…

beginning anew
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A New Beginning: Change Your Life by Changing Your Mind

Spring is upon us here in the northern hemisphere of planet earth. To me it is always one of those “new beginning”-type of moments. Something new and exciting is coming! It’s always been my absolute favourite time of the year. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that I was born in late…

benefits of nature
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The Amazing Benefits of Nature: Gain Them in 2 Hours

One of the benefits of nature is that it’s beautiful, isn’t it? There’s just something about the beauty of nature that puts our mind at ease. The picture above (as well as other pictures in this post) is from Koli national park, Finland. It’s called “the national landscape” of Finland, because it inspired many of…

Limiting beliefs
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How To Identify And Fix Your Limiting Beliefs?

One of the things that was somewhat annoying to me when I started my journey with spiritual practices, was the fact that many teachers in books or videos talked about working on your issues without discussing how to identify those issues. They offered powerful methods on working on your deeper issues, or limiting beliefs, in…

spiritual needs
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What Does a Human Need to Be Happy 3/3: Spiritual Needs

This is the third part of our series of understanding and fulfilling human needs. As our guide, we have used Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, drawn in the shape of a pyramid (below). Well, my drawing is more like half a pyramid, but it gets the job done. The first part was about basic human needs,…

emotional needs
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What Does a Human Need to Be Happy 2/3: Emotional Needs

Previously we took a look at human physiological needs, especially the human diet. Now it’s time to delve deep into human psychological I.e. emotional needs. What are those and how do we fulfill them? In this blog post, we will be taking a look at our emotional needs by continuing our journey upward along the…

Physiological Needs
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What Does a Human Need to Be Happy 1/3: Physiological Needs

How do we provide for human physiological needs? Not to mention our emotional needs. And I’m not talking just about taking care of our children. I’m talking about human beings in general.  There’s more to this question than meets the eye. To gain a deeper understanding, let’s start with an example. If you’ve ever owned a…