Get Started

A Collection of Tools and Insights to Get You Started

Key Insights

  • Happiness is a choice
  • Happiness is your natural state of being
  • You are happy unless you make yourself unhappy
  • True happiness comes from the inside
  • You are in charge of your happiness
  • Change your beliefs, change your life

Welcome to Happiness on Demand

A warm welcome to you, fellow seeker of happiness.

You are not here by accident, as there are no accidents in life. You were led here by a deep desire to rid yourself of constant stress, fear, anxiety, or perhaps depression. In the depths of your mind, you want to be truly happy and you know what you should be doing to get there. Yet, you can’t. You’ve tried to change your life, but you always fall back to your old routines and habits.

Well, it’s all about to change and you’ve come to the right place.

Here you will not just learn a new way to think about life and how to live it. You will also find the tools to make a lasting change to your beliefs and habits that control your life.

This page contains everything you need to get started.

You can be happy - if you believe you can be happy

Happiness is your natural state of being, and you can choose to be happy anytime you want.

We all know this intuitively, but of course, it’s easier said than done.

If being happy is a matter of choice, why aren’t we all happy all the time?

That’s because you are not in control of your life. Your subconscious mind is.

The Subconscious is where your beliefs and habits live. You make 80 % to 100 % of your daily choices in your subconscious mind based on your beliefs and habits.

Therefore the key to changing your life is to change your beliefs and habits.

You have learned to react by stressing and worrying yourself sick. The good news is, that you can also learn to react in a joyful, peaceful way instead. 

It’s just a matter of rewiring your mind to think in a new way.

Change your beliefs and habits with what I call the 3 steps to happiness:

  1. Understand what’s making you unhappy
  2. Change your perspective on happiness
  3. Choose happiness consciously

Learn to think in a new way and your life will change.

You can learn all of this and more by downloading my free ebook below.

Learn How to Turn Stress and Anxiety into Happiness

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    What Is Happiness?

    On the home page of this website, in the eBook and in the social media material, I mention that you can be happy in 3 straightforward steps.

    In this post we’ll take a look at these steps and dive into a deeper understanding in each of them.

    We all want to be happy and are constantly looking for things to make us happy. But what is true happiness? 

    Let’s take a new perspective and try to figure out what is true happiness.

    True happiness is found on the inside.

    Happiness is always there, for it is the very essence of your being. You can learn to tap in to this happiness at will, anytime, anywhere.

    “There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.”

    How to Be Happy?

    Happiness is a state of being, not something you can get by accumulating material wealth. 

    Life works just the opposite way:

    By understanding how to be happy despite outside circumstances, you can create a happy life full of joy, good health, wealth, loving relationships etc. effortlessly.

    This shift of perspective will allow you to be happy, stay happy, and create the life of your dreams. 

    Your perception, point of view, determines how you think, and how you think about things determines what you believe.

    Your beliefs control your life. Therefore changing your perception will allow you to change your beliefs – which in turn will change your life.

    I’m going to argue that there is indeed one best way to be happy. It will require trying things you may not have tried before, stretch your imagination and adopt new beliefs. 

    The best way to be happy is to find your deepest truths about life, the universe and everything.

    It’s tricky to make new habit stick. Yet, we pick up new habits throughout our lives. We may not even pay attention to the process.

    You will need to address your core beliefs about yourself and set things on autopilot. Mere willpower alone is not enough to make new habits stick. 

    Browse the resources


    Inspirational stories, studied best practices, and step-by-step instructions for better mental well-being.


    Shift your mindset and master the techniques that will allow you to control your thoughts, feelings, and behavior.


    Free ebooks that will give you the best tools for transforming your life into one you've always dreamed of.

    "By looking at things differently, by changing your perception, you will effectively change your whole life"

    Why is happiness so important?

    Master Your Mental Well-Being

    Mental health is the single most important determinant of individual happiness. Being happy means excellent mental health.

    Live your life the way you want

    There is no way to happiness - happiness is the way. By being happy you empower yourself to achieve your goals.

    Make People Around You Happy

    Happiness is contagious. When you are happy, you make people around you happy. Improve your social, professional and family life by bringing happiness wherever you go.

    Learn More

    Create The Life You've Always Wanted

    Do you consciously choose what you want your life to look like, or are you drifting through your days on autopilot (subconsciously)?

    If life is going your way, you are most likely happy. On the other hand, not knowing if things will work out for you is most definitely going to cause you stress.

    That’s where visualization comes in.

    Visualizing your goal is extremely helpful for getting what you want. It is a quick and easy method that you can do to guide yourself towards your goals.

    Gratitude Leads To Happiness

    Practicing gratitude is a great way to learn positive thinking and boost your happiness.

    We often forget how many things in life we have to be grateful for. Having some form of gratefulness practice in your life will help you develop a positive mindset and a positive outlook on life.

    Being consistent with the practice can even help you consciously choose your thoughts!

    Journaling even once or twice a week can go a long way in developing this practice.

    Meditation: Connect with your innate happiness

    Meditation is a powerful tool for habitually redirecting your thoughts and training your mind to focus.

    You can (and I encourage you to) use it to become aware of your thoughts, therefore learning to focus on positive thoughts and desired outcomes. This is an excellent way to reduce stress and develop concentration.

    You can also use meditation to train your mind to pick up healthy habits, such as improved sleeping patterns, eating healthier, exercising more etc.