About Us
We help people overcome stress, anxiety, fear, or depression
Complementary and Integrative Practices for Mental Well-Being
Happiness on Demand was born from the founder Atte Nissinen’s struggles with stress, anxiety, and depression. It was a long and arduous journey, but it resulted in a total life overhaul and lasting happiness. Today, happyondemand.com shares the story and all the tools and techniques he used to overcome these mental health issues.
The company was founded due to the increasing need for mental health and psychological well-being services. There is a growing demand for courses to improve mental health and handle stress in daily life.
But even though there are already many services out there for people struggling with stress, anxiety, or depression, the problem is, that these services may not be accessible to people who need them.
Furthermore, the services may not be available at the moment when they are needed the most. Even in Western countries, only 1/3 of those suffering receive treatment.
The good news is, that anxiety disorders are highly treatable and there are many complementary and integrative health practices for that purpose.
Those complementary and integrative practices are what we are here for.
Our Services
Happiness on Demand recommends complementary and integrative practices for managing chronic stress and anxiety.
The books, courses, apps, and other products that we recommend are tried and tested by our team and found to be helpful. We aim to recommend products that are readily available at an affordable price.
Our focus is on services, that help in:
- Enhancing social skills
- Dealing with negative thoughts or emotions
- Developing character traits or new habits
- Improving mental well-being
- Handling stress
We want to be accessible to anyone who may need services for mental well-being, and for that reason conduct our business completely online and worldwide. Our office is located in Finland, but everything is operated through our website.
We are constantly growing and in the process of building our services. As our business grows, more and more options will be made available. At the moment, our main tool for recommendations is our email list, but our website is full of free content that can provide useful tips, tricks, inspiration, and resources.
Our values

Life is supposed to be fun, not a struggle. So in everything we do, we try to have as much fun as possible. This goes with the blog as well. It's fun to write and hopefully fun for you to read.

We commit to honesty and transparency in everything. We only recommend techniques, authors and products that We've found helpful ourselves. If something does not seem to work, we'll be honest and not recommend it.

Social Responsibility
We make this content for the benefit of you, the reader. Our mission is to help as many people as possible to live a happy life without stress, worry, anxiety and depression. We will always donate a part of our earnings to charity.

We do appreciate every single aspect of our physical existence. That means your beliefs, values and opinions too. We are all unique and there's a reason why our world has polar opposites in everything. So we try not to preach and push any agenda, but instead appreciate all of our unique views of the world and simply offer you a new point of view about life and happiness.
Our mission
We help people be happy.
Whatever it takes. The methods of choice include scientifically proven techniques, cutting-edge courses and books, cringe-worthy humor, possibly sarcasm, and the occasional encouragement to take on a journey of spiritual transformation.
In the process of helping people be happy, we will participate in re-writing our cultural story based on new beliefs that will produce new behaviors in our daily lives.
We will re-educate ourselves and others so that together, we will change the world’s mind about itself. We will write a new story about who we are, how life is, why we are here on the earth and the meaning of life. We will raise and educate our children in a new way and with new ideas about what it means to be human.
And we will have fun while doing it.
Get Started For Free
Happiness on Demand is a product that was born from a journey of overcoming stress, fear, anxiety, and depression.
And the lessons from that journey are documented here, compressed into 67 pages of essential happiness information.
This book will help you avoid any unhappiness, stress, anxiety or even depression that your current circumstances may cause.
It’s 100 % free and you get access to it instantly. Grab your copy by filling the form below.
3 Essentials For More Happiness
Gratitude Leads To Happiness
Practicing gratitude is a great way to learn positive thinking and boost your happiness.
We often forget how many things in life we have to be grateful for. Having some form of gratefulness practice in your life will help you develop a positive mindset and a positive outlook on life.
Being consistent with the practice can even help you consciously choose your thoughts!
Journaling even once or twice a week can go a long way in developing this practice.

Focus On Happiness
Meditation is a powerful tool for habitually redirecting your thoughts and training your mind to focus.
You can (and I encourage you to) use it to become aware of your thoughts, therefore learning to focus on positive thoughts and desired outcomes. This is an excellent way to reduce stress and develop concentration.
You can also use meditation to train your mind to pick up healthy habits, such as improved sleeping patterns, eating healthier, exercising more etc.
Change Your Beliefs - Change Your Life
Do you believe you deserve to be happy? You might say yes, but subconsciously you may believe you do not.
Your beliefs about life in general, and your life in particular, lie at the core of your happiness. It is therefore of utmost importance to be aware of your beliefs and change the ones that do not serve you.
But beliefs can be a tricky bunch. What we think we believe may actually differ from what we really believe.